2023-2024 COMMITTEESBOOKS AND BOTTLES COMMITTEEMeets monthly (in person or over Zoom, as necessary) to discuss and share perspectives about a book chosen from a curated list of fiction and nonfiction, while encouraging members to enjoy an adult beverage based on a theme, location, or character from that month’s book. The committee seeks to read a mix of fiction and nonfiction books addressing diverse subjects, and endeavors to give plenty of notice about each month’s book and beverage. RSVPs accepted, and other information provided to members, by email via [email protected]. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION COMMITTEEOrganizes and conducts accredited CLE programs for attorneys in Monroe County, works with WBASNY for credit approval and issuance of certificates. CLE programs constitute a GRAWA fundraising opportunity. DIVERSITY EQUITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEEConsiders issues of diversity as an inclusive concept, encompassing gender, race, color, ethnic and national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age and disability. FAMILY & CAREERS COMMITTEEMeets monthly to provide members with social and emotional support with respect to the challenges of balancing home life and careers. Hosts substantive discussions on issues facing working parents. Also responsible for awarding the winner of GRAWA's annual Family Friendly Employer Award. JUDICIAL EVALUATION COMMITTEECompiles information about judicial candidates to inform community about qualifications. LAWYERS' COALITION ON RACIAL & SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEEFormed in recent years, this combined committee of the three bars (GRAWA, MCBA and RBBA) addresses issues of racial justice in Rochester’s legal community and beyond. The committee plans several important events and welcomes discussion and participation towards the overarching goals of racial and social justice. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEEExamines bills introduced in Congress, the State Legislature and local government, and makes suggestions or proposals about such bills to GRAWA and WBASNY and serves as ex-officio delegate to WBASNY. MEDIA COMMITTEEHandles GRAWA’s public relations, including drafting press releases. Shares member news for website inclusion; produces newsletter; and takes photos at events to share on website, Facebook and WBASNY newsletter. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEERecruits new GRAWA members and ensures renewal by existing members. As a chapter of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY), GRAWA pays $55 per member, and receives one delegate position for each 50 members. NEWLY ADMITTED WOMEN ATTORNEYS (NAWA) COMMITTEEBuilds relationships to enhance GRAWA experience through professional development, community service, networking, etc. Members must be 32 years of age or younger OR have less than five years of experience. NOMINATING COMMITTEEProposes nominations of GRAWA board positions and helps promote GRAWA and its members through nominations for civic and bar association awards. PROGRAM COMMITTEEPlans, advertises and conducts substantive programs, social events (e.g. holiday event, spa night) and annual functions (installation dinner, judicial candidates lunch). STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEEAdded as a standing committee in 2020, this committee oversees the GRAWA strategic plan and the process to implement and update that plan. WBASNY DELEGATESAttends periodic WBASNY meetings, representing the Rochester Chapter. WOMEN'S CONNECTIONSCombines the dedication and experience of more senior attorneys with those seeking mentors in their job search, early career, or career transition. In conjunction with Newly Admitted Women Attorneys Committee, specific mentoring opportunities are developed and scheduled. WOMEN’S HEALTH COMMITTEEFocuses on the recognition, prevention, and education of issues related to women's health and wellness. WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP COMMITTEEMade up of women in small and solo practices, as well as women leading business practices in their firms, members engage in social events, share resources, discuss problems faced by women in leadership and work toward resolution, and act as a support system to those similarly situated. |